EP5: Decolonisation and Discomfort in Regenerative Work (Interview with Ryan James, Pt 2)

Many professionals are hearing the call to transition from corporate jobs into regenerative work. But let's be honest - it's not as simple as updating your resume and applying to a new position. This shift requires deep introspection, courage, and a willingness to embrace discomfort.

In Part 2 of this conversation with Ryan James, a thought leader in regenerative business, I was struck by the profound wisdom he shared about making this transition. His insights challenge us to think differently about our relationship with work, money, and the planet.


The Heart of Regeneration

At its core, regeneration is about viewing the world through a lens of interconnectedness. It's recognizing that when we pull one thread, we find it connected to the entire universe. Ryan beautifully illustrates this concept:

"When I touch a piece of paper, I see a cloud."

This perspective shift is crucial as we consider our impact on the world through our work and daily choices.

Dramatic clouds lit orange by the sunlight and tipped with white.

Embracing Multidimensional Change

Regeneration isn't just about ecological restoration or sustainable practices. It encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions as well. As you contemplate your career transition, consider how you can nurture regeneration in all these areas:

  • Physical: How can your work contribute to ecological health?

  • Mental: Are you continually seeking inspiration and cultivating peace of mind?

  • Emotional: How are you fostering emotional resilience and well-being?

  • Spiritual: Are you connecting with the energy that flows through all things?

Overcoming Financial Fears

One of the biggest hurdles in transitioning to regenerative work is often financial fear. We've become accustomed to certain lifestyles and the security of a regular paycheck. But Ryan challenges us to dig deeper:

"How deep do you truly want to change? Are you willing to go through discomfort in order to embody the transformation that's needed with the planet?"

This isn't about recklessly quitting your job tomorrow. Instead, consider these steps:

  1. Set timelines: Create a realistic plan to gradually shift from your current role to where you want to be.

  2. Get creative: Look for ways to redesign your current job to align more closely with your values.

  3. Plant seeds: Start nurturing your regenerative aspirations while still in your current position.

Reconnecting with Earth

A crucial aspect of moving into regenerative work is reconnecting with the Earth. This isn't about escaping to some idealized version of nature. It's about recognizing our inherent connection to the planet and all its systems.

Ryan emphasizes:

"We don't need to go up into the sky. What are you gonna do out there? There's no oxygen. Where are you trying to go? Like, just be here. The Earth is one of the most beautiful planets in the whole galaxy. Like, just be here, you know?"

A Simple Practice to Start

Want to begin your journey towards regenerative work today? Start with this powerful yet simple practice:

Thank the water.

Each morning, before you take your first sip of water, pause and express gratitude. This small act initiates an energy of acknowledgment and can profoundly shift your relationship with the world around you.

As you contemplate your transition into regenerative work, remember that it's not just about finding a new job. It's about reimagining your relationship with work, with the Earth, and with yourself. It may feel messy and uncomfortable at times, but that's often a sign you're on the right track.

The future of regenerative work isn't some distant goal. It's here, waiting to be remembered through the choices we make today. So take that first step - thank the water, listen to your heart, and trust in the journey ahead.


Do you need help clarifying your vision and taking your first steps towards transitioning into a regenerative career?


EP6: Embracing the Messy Path to Purpose in Regenerative Work


EP4: The Internal Work of a Regenerative Career Transition (Interview with Ryan James, Pt 1)