EP14: Three Fears Holding You Back From Purposeful, Regenerative Work (and How To Overcome Them!)

It is clear to me, now more than ever, that the system is not going to save us. That as institutional structures falter, we must find new ways to care for each other and our world. Our careers and work are one of the most impactful spaces we can do that in.

But letting go corporate frameworks and structures can be scary. Which is why I want to explore the common fears holding people back from pursuing purposeful regenerative work and how to overcome them. Because this work matters.


Is Fear Keeping Us Safe or Stuck?

In my experience, there are three key fears that get in the way of people pursuing purposeful impactful work. Two of these are very rational and I've talked about them before. They are money and having the right skills and experience. However, it’s important to recognise that in both cases these fears can be our logical brains trying to keep us safe, and that safe is really another word for stuck. There is also a third more deep-rooted fear that is often underlying these other two – a lack of confidence or self-belief.  Let’s look at each in turn.

Fear #1: Financial Uncertainty

It's no surprise that financial concerns top the list of obstacles for those considering a transition to regenerative work. The question "How can I do work that truly matters and still pay the mortgage?" echoes in many minds.

Money is a reality that we can't ignore. But we shouldn't let it become an immovable excuse. The key to overcoming this fear is to find a way of taking care of your financial needs while still purposing your regenerative career idea. To recap from Episode 10 'Three Easy Ways to Make Money While Pursuing Your Regenerative Career', this could mean:

  • Staying in your current role but maybe reducing your hours or taking on a less time-consuming role

  • Finding a "bridging job" that meets your basic needs

  • Exploring freelance options that leverage your existing skills but give you the space to pursue purposeful work

Bonus Tip: As well as being practical about meeting your financial needs, it’s time to get clear about the true cost of your current salary, and to factor this into your calculations. Think about the time and freedom your career takes from you. Consider what it does to your nervous system to be committed to a job that doesn't align with your values. I've often heard people say "that work is sucking their life force", is this cost worth a large pay check?

Baby turtle on the beach looking at the ocean

Fear #2: The Skills and Experience Gap

Many of us feel unqualified or unprepared to step into regenerative work. And would love for someone to hand us a guidebook which maps out all the opportunities. I wish I could do that for you but as far as I know that book doesn't exist.

But the beauty of regenerative work is that the opportunities are everywhere. And there is a place for everyone's unique contribution.

Instead of looking outside yourself and saying where can I fit in? Do the inner work and ask yourself what lights you up, what are you curious about? And what will have meaningful impact?

Action steps: Reframe your skills in plain, transferable language. Forget the corporate jargon and CV mindset. Instead, ask yourself:

  • What am I genuinely good at?

  • What will have impact and meaning?

  • How can I explain my skills to an 8-year-old?

Bonus tip: Consider what you personally bring to these core skills that no one else does. Think of them like pasta, what sauce can you add which makes them unique to you?

Fear #3: Am I Good Enough?

At the heart of our hesitation to pursue purposeful regenerative work lies a deeper fear: "Am I good enough? Can I actually do this?" This lack of confidence can be the most challenging obstacle to overcome because it encapsulates several other fears: self-belief, fear of failure and fear of rejection. And is unique to each of us. It's where one-to-one coaching can really help to rewire our brains and build new beliefs but there are also things you can try yourself:

1. Reduce Negative Influences

The system we're choosing to step out of is powerful and pervasive. It shows up in negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts.

Action Step: Notice and name these thoughts. When you catch yourself thinking, "I'm going to lose all respect," or "This makes no sense," recognise it for what it is - the system trying to pull you back in. Creating this mental distance can be incredibly freeing.

Turtle diving in ocean.

2. Trust Your Inner Guidance

We're often conditioned to make decisions purely from a logical standpoint. But our bodies hold wisdom that can guide us towards truly aligned choices.

Action Step: Start paying attention to your body's reactions when making decisions. How does a particular choice feel physically? Is there tension or expansion? Start with small decisions like deciding what to have for lunch and gradually apply this to career-related choices.

Breaking Free

As you work through these fears, you'll find they're interconnected. Addressing one often helps alleviate the others. A solid financial plan boosts your confidence. Clearer articulation of your skills opens up new possibilities. And increased self-trust makes financial and career decisions easier.

So take action to let go of these fears to move forward into impactful, joyful work. Because this work matters, not just for your wellbeing and sense of purpose but also for nature.

Keep reminding yourself how powerful this is. You're breaking free - and that's something to be incredibly proud of.


Do you need help clarifying your vision and taking your first steps towards transitioning into a regenerative career?


EP15: Rethinking What it Means to Thrive Through Truly Sustainable Careers (Interview with David Ko & Richard Busellato)


EP13: Why Corporate Sustainability Lights An Angry Fire In Me