EP9: Conquer Fear with Daily Steps Towards Your Purposeful Career

Feeling like your career shift is out of reach? You’re not alone! Let me introduce you to Kevin Howard, a former banker who transitioned from working with small business loans to advising one of the biggest banks in America on climate risk.

Kevin's journey is a powerful testament to the impact of clarifying your intentions and embracing the unknown. His story is not just inspiring; it's a roadmap for anyone seeking to align their career with their deepest values and make a meaningful impact in response to global challenges.


The Power of Clear Intention

Kevin's journey began with a realization that many of us face: the work that once fulfilled him no longer aligned with his evolving understanding of the world's needs. As he became aware of the growing climate crisis and economic inequality, he felt called to do more.

The first crucial step in his transition was developing a clear intention. This wasn't about having a fully formed plan, but rather a guiding star to orient his efforts. For Kevin, the goal was a position where he could contribute to mitigating climate risk on a significant scale.

Action step: Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. What impact do you want to have in the world? Write down your intention, not as a detailed plan, but as a clear direction for your energy and efforts.

Letting Go of the 'How'

One of the most challenging yet liberating aspects of Kevin's journey was learning to let go of the 'how'. In our goal-oriented society, we're often taught to create step-by-step plans to reach our objectives. But Kevin discovered that this approach can actually limit our opportunities.

A simple path made of stone blocks leads across a desolate mountain lanscape.

By releasing the need to know exactly how he would reach his goal, Kevin opened himself up to unexpected opportunities. This flexibility allowed him to make a series of moves within his bank that ultimately led him to a position where he could have the impact he desired.

Reflection point: How might holding too tightly to a specific plan be limiting your vision of what's possible? Can you identify areas where you could be more open to unexpected opportunities?

Maximizing Your Range of Consideration

As Kevin navigated his transition, he found immense value in broadening his perspective. This meant looking beyond his immediate skill set and considering how his experience could be valuable in new contexts.

For those of us in traditional careers considering a shift to regenerative work, this is crucial. Your skills and experiences are likely more transferable than you realize. The key is to look at them through a new lens.

Exercise: List your top five skills or areas of expertise. Now, brainstorm how each of these could be applied to a regenerative context. You might be surprised at the connections you discover.

The Art of Living Presently

Perhaps the most powerful lesson from Kevin's journey is the importance of living in the present moment. In our fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught between regrets of the past and anxieties about the future. But as Kevin learned, true power lies in fully engaging with the present.

This practice of presence isn't just about personal well-being; it's a practical tool for career transition. By being fully aware in each moment, we become more attuned to opportunities, more effective in our interactions, and more aligned with our true selves.

Daily practice: Choose one routine activity each day - it could be as simple as washing your hands or making your morning coffee. Practice giving it your full attention, noticing every sensation and detail. This simple exercise can help cultivate a habit of presence that extends to all areas of your life.

Making Daily Progress

The final piece of wisdom Kevin shared was the importance of taking action every single day towards your intention. This doesn't mean making huge leaps; often, it's the small, consistent steps that lead to the most significant changes.


When we combine this daily action with presence and openness, we create a powerful momentum towards our goals. Each small step not only moves us closer to our intention but also builds our confidence and clarity.

Challenge: For the next week, commit to taking one small action each day towards your regenerative career goals. It could be as simple as reading an article, reaching out to a contact, or spending five minutes in nature to reconnect with your 'why'. At the end of each day, reflect on how these small actions are shaping your journey.

Embracing the Journey

Transitioning into regenerative work is not just about changing jobs; it's about aligning your entire being with a new way of living and working. It requires courage, patience, and a willingness to step into the unknown.

Remember, you don't need to have all the answers to begin. What you need is a clear intention, an openness to possibilities, and a commitment to showing up fully in each moment. Trust that as you take each step, the path will reveal itself.

Your journey towards regenerative work is not just about your own fulfillment - though that's certainly important. It's about contributing to the healing and flourishing of our world. Every step you take towards aligning your work with your values is a step towards a more sustainable, just, and vibrant future for all.

So, I invite you to take that first step today. Set your intention, open yourself to new possibilities, and trust in the wisdom of your own journey. The world needs your unique gifts and perspective now more than ever.

Are you ready to begin?


Do you need help clarifying your vision and taking your first steps towards transitioning into a regenerative career?


EP10: Three Easy Ways to Make Money While Pursuing Your Regenerative Career


EP8: How to Connect Your Skills and Experience to Regenerative Work: You’re More Qualified Than You Think