EP8: How to Connect Your Skills and Experience to Regenerative Work: You’re More Qualified Than You Think

Many of us carry the weight of imposter syndrome when considering a career shift, especially into the regenerative space.

We often believe we need specific degrees or years of specialized experience. But here's the truth: regenerative work isn't a narrow niche - it's a complete reimagining of our economy and society. And guess what?

Your skills are not just welcome; they're essential.


Uncovering Your Regenerative Talents

Let's break free from the CV mindset and rediscover your core strengths. Here's how:

1. List Your Skills in Plain Language

Forget corporate jargon. If you were explaining your abilities to a child, what would you say? Perhaps you're great at bringing people together, or you have a knack for simplifying complex ideas. These 'soft skills' are often the most transferable and valuable in regenerative work.

Action step: Write down 5-10 of your core skills using simple, jargon-free language.

2. Craft Your Authentic Story

Your journey to regenerative work isn't a gap in your career - it's a crucial part of your growth. Nature knows that periods of apparent dormancy are essential for new life to emerge. Your transition is no different.

Action step: Write your "true and beautiful story" about why you're making this change. What's calling you to regenerative work? This narrative will resonate deeply with like-minded organizations and individuals.

3. Embrace Small, Daily Steps

Don't get overwhelmed by trying to leap to your final destination. The beauty of regenerative work is that we're often creating roles and opportunities that didn't exist before. Focus on taking tiny, manageable steps each day towards your goal.

Action step: Identify one small action you can take today towards your regenerative career. It could be as simple as researching a company you admire or spending five minutes in nature to reconnect with your 'why'.

The Power of Transferable Skills

Think about the skills you've honed in your current role. Perhaps you're adept at project management, skilled in data analysis, or excellent at stakeholder engagement. These abilities are crucial in regenerative projects, from community-based initiatives to large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts.

Tip: Look for the underlying principles in your current work that align with regenerative thinking. You might be surprised at how much overlap there is.

Your Invitation to Action

Now, I have a challenge for you. Take the three action steps we've discussed:

  • List your skills in plain language

  • Write your authentic career transition story

  • Identify one small, daily step towards your regenerative career

Once you've completed these, I want you to share them with me. Email your "homework" to alisa@regenerativeworklife.com with the subject line "Homework". I'll personally review it and offer feedback to help guide your journey.

Remember, the world of regenerative work needs you - yes, you - with all your unique experiences, perspectives, and skills. Your perceived lack of qualifications might just be your greatest asset in reimagining a more sustainable, thriving world for all.

Are you ready to take the first step? The future is calling, and it's time to answer.


Do you need help clarifying your vision and taking your first steps towards transitioning into a regenerative career?


EP9: Conquer Fear with Daily Steps Towards Your Purposeful Career


EP7: Pause is a Career Power Move (Regenerative Unsticking Point with Shweta)