EP7: Pause is a Career Power Move (Regenerative Unsticking Point with Shweta)

Transitioning from a corporate career to a purpose-driven one is a journey that requires courage, introspection, and trust.

As I discussed in this coaching session with Shweta, the path to finding meaningful work often involves periods of stillness, self-reflection, and embracing the unknown.

I offer free, on-air coaching to unlock your regenerative career, sign up for your session today.


Embracing the Stillness

One of the most challenging aspects of career transition is allowing ourselves the space and time to be still. In our fast-paced, productivity-driven world, taking a pause can feel uncomfortable, even frightening. But it's in these moments of stillness that we find the clarity we seek.

Shweta described her current state as one of "conscious choice of being still and taking a break from the continuous, incessant way of working." I love that! This intentional pause allows her to ask fundamental questions about her purpose and gifts to the world.

A person sits with their back to us. They are wearing a woolly hat and blue jacket. They are on a grassy hill looking out over a landscape where two bodies of water meet and trees grown on the thin strip of land between them.

Navigating the Discomfort

Stepping away from the conventional career path often brings discomfort. As Shweta put it, there's a fear of having "too much of a gap" on your CV or falling behind peers who seem to be constantly achieving and progressing.

Remember that discomfort is a natural part of the process. It's about learning to sit with the feelings of being "uncomfortable and being different." Embracing this difference is key to forging a path that truly aligns with our values and aspirations.

Trusting Your Inner Compass

One of the most powerful insights from our conversation was Shweta's description of how she knows when an opportunity feels right. She explained, "If I have to observe my body, it's more in the sense of just the energy that flows through when I'm holding that conversation. And it feels so much like I'm getting charged up."

This internal guidance system is invaluable in navigating career transitions. It's about learning to trust our intuition and recognize what truly energizes us, rather than what we think we "should" be doing.

Redefining Success and Work

A crucial part of transitioning to a purpose-driven career is reexamining our definitions of success and work itself. Shweta questioned, "Are we putting too much importance on job and what job brings into our lives?" This reflection invites us to consider a more holistic view of our lives and contributions to the world.

One of the challenges in a regenerative career transition is shedding the corporate mindset that prioritizes linear career progression and traditional markers of success. Shweta recognized the need to "detach from that way of thinking" and embrace a more authentic narrative of her journey.

A gecko hatching from its egg. You can just see it's nose and mouth emerging from the white and brown shell.

Embracing Your Unique Story

Perhaps the most empowering realization is the value of our unique stories and non-traditional paths. Organizations truly committed to systems change and regenerative practices are likely to appreciate candidates who have taken time for deep reflection and intentional career shifts.

I suggested to Shweta, and now I suggest to you, to write your story - not as a justification for a career gap, but as a celebration of your journey towards alignment and purpose. This exercise can help build confidence and clarity in articulating your path to potential employers or collaborators.

The Power of Saying Yes to What Energizes You

In navigating this transition, it's crucial to pay attention to what truly energizes you. Whether it's a course, a volunteer opportunity, or a conversation, following these "yeses" can lead to unexpected and fulfilling paths.

Remember, the synchronicities you're waiting for might actually be waiting for you to take that first step. Trust in the timing and in your own readiness to embrace new opportunities.

Cultivating Patience and Self-Trust

Lastly, cultivate patience with yourself and the process. As Shweta wisely shared, "If I'm meant to be in the stillness longer than what my checklist shows me, then I'm meant to be." Trust that the work you're doing in this period of reflection and transition is valuable and necessary.

Transitioning to a purpose-driven career is not just about finding a new job; it's about aligning your work with your values, passions, and the impact you want to have on the world. It's a journey of self-discovery, courage, and trust.

Embrace the stillness, listen to your inner guidance, and have faith in your unique path. Your authentic story and experiences are not just valid - they're your greatest strengths in creating a career that truly resonates with who you are and what you have to offer the world.

Do you need help clarifying your vision and taking your first steps towards transitioning into a regenerative career?


EP8: How to Connect Your Skills and Experience to Regenerative Work: You’re More Qualified Than You Think


EP6: Embracing the Messy Path to Purpose in Regenerative Work